the dark side of the moon
this is probably one of the most significant albums of my life. and that’s a really big deal and sounds super dramatic, but let me explain why…
when i was 14 years old, and decided that older clothing is cool to me, i spent an afternoon scavenging through my dad’s closet. i found these two i n c r e d i b l e Pink Floyd t-shirts (pictures below) that i had never seen before, so i asked my dad if i could take them off his hands. he said yes, because he’s a good dad, but he also made it conditional… i had to listen to the band with him in order to wear the shirts. and that’s what makes him a great dad… because Pink Floyd is incredible AND i will never be that person who wears the t-shirt of a band they’ve never heard.
so! we set a date, and we spent one night driving down the Niagara parkway, listening to The Dark Side of the Moon. it was spectacular. one of my most favourite memories with my dad. and probably my most favourite experience listening to music.
i strongly recommend anyone to break their Dark Side virginity this way - it’s really magical. because it’s a concept album, each song flows into the next, creating this whole universe of the story being told around you. the scenery of the parkway at night really amplifies that. but even if you can’t, listen to it anyway. with intention!
something super mysterious that someone (somehow) discovered about the album is that it perfectly lines up with “The Wizard of Oz”. there’s videos of it on YouTube… pretty nuts! just thought i’d throw that out there.
last thing! i recently choreographed a lil somethin’ somethin’ to the song “Money” (which miiiiiiight be my favourite song off the alb? but i don’t know…). anyway, i’ve put that below as well if you’d like to check it out! i’m very really happy with the way that it turned out and i credit it all to the music because it’s just so GOOD. so much juicey juice in there to draw inspiration from, ya know?
anyways, that’s enough outta me. you have music to listen to! please do it!! it just might change your life ;)
baby skye showing off her sick t-shirt outside the venue
dad and i seeing Brit Floyd in concert with our sick shirts! great cover band!!
unfortunately, my styling choices were questionable