open space in the mind 

by Makayla McIntyre
Stevensville, Ontario

Open space feels like stillness in the mind. When you slow down, be present and just breathe, you experience the never ending open space that is within your mind. An open mind, open heart and open soul is the perfect space to explore your true self and true desires. 

This is a place without fear, society’s conditions, limiting beliefs, stories from others, self-sabotage and uncertainty. When you find this open space within your mind, you feel fearless with a deep knowing of your truest desires for this life.

When you slow the breath, you clear away all of those thoughts, fears, stories and mental mess, just one breath at a time, until you feel nothing but open. Open to receiving, open to opportunities, open to creativity and open to all your feelings.

With breath we find limitless open space.


layina chand


mckenna nahaiowski