carmen leardi
i met carmen when i first began studying at Randolph almost three years ago (!!! that’s crazy man, time flies). unfortunately, i had to defer out of her term pretty soon after because i had an emergency appendectomy (lolz :p), however, i was lucky enough to pretty much always be in the same dance classes as her.
for as long as i’ve known her, carmen has inspired me deeply to think of myself beyond “just being a dancer”, as this is something she emanates so loudly. i would, personally, describe her as being a very “complete” artist, and by saying that, i mean that she establishes every detail of her work so precisely. whether it’s in her movement, acting, choreography, or film-work, it is so evident that every thought behind each choice connects to the initial intention.
watching carmen perform is immensely compelling, the energy she brings is similar to that of a gulp of fresh air… she is so open and receptive and really allows the energy of the piece as a whole to flow through her.
i’ve also had the honour of being in a few pieces she’s choreographed, and i have to say, being a part of her work is a real joy. i can only describe my experience of involvement in her work as a truly satisfying feeling. i think back to a piece we did for our school’s coffeehouse, “La Plage”, and i can recall the fulfillment that came from learning, owning, and performing that piece. plus it made me feel like the coolest gal.
here’s the trailer for that piece… but, if you want to watch the whole thing (which i highly recommend you do), you can find it on her instagram.
and above is the trailer for a promo video she co-created / directed for the release of janel rae’s poetry book
so, without further ado, meet carmen leardi… dancer, actor, choreographer, teacher, director… (and new friend to us all).
how would you define your art? your voice as an artist?
Community. I am always inspired by other artists I see around me. I would define my art as a celebration of the inspiration I’ve been given and those who created it. I would define my art as a reflection of them, through me. My voice, as an artist, can be compared to light through a prism. All the different colours of the world come in, and my light - my interpretation, my art - is what shines out.
what inspired you to start creating in the way that you do?
One of my biggest loves in the world is for movement. I am inspired by what the human body can do. Dancers are incredible. People are incredible. Everyone has something about them that it characteristically unique, and striking. I am inspired every day. If you have an idea or a story, it’s only up to you to tell it.
can you recall the moment when you decided to pursue this artform? ultimately, why did you choose this?
I didn’t decide I wanted to pursue post-secondary education, and ultimately a career, in the arts until my last semester of high school. I knew I was in love with the dance world and I knew it was where my place was. I knew there was a bigger world of artists out there and I wanted to meet them, to join them.
what is the biggest message you want to communicate to the people who encounter your art?
Freedom. In expression. My art is one of the truest expressions of myself, and so I want people who encounter it to be inspired, to also not be afraid, to allow themselves to also release their truest expression - whether it be artistic or otherwise - because the world is a more honest place for it.
what is your biggest struggle as an artist?
Other than financially? (haha but true) I’ve gotten much better at recognizing this struggle recently, that not all days can operate at the same creative levels. I am much better now at recognizing when my bursts of creativity come, and what they are conducted by. I am also much better at allowing myself to be creative in different fields, and know that, in these different fields, I have different creative patterns and levels of energy or inspiration. It’s hard, sometimes, to let myself off the hook when I’m not at my best level on any particular day.
how would you define your personal acquisition of “success”? what must you obtain to feel successful? do you feel it now?
I’m a sucker for a checked-off to-do list. My room has post-it notes of things to do, or ideas to expand upon, all over my wall. Working and making advances on projects feels like success to me. Training and networking feel like successes. Nourishing my body is a success. Taking needed breaks is a success.
if you’d like, describe your creation process.
I have yet to figure out what my creation formula is. I know, when it comes to choreography, a good warm-up is key. I can’t feel what is right in my body if my body isn’t in “dancer mode”. I always dream-up choreo while riding transit, but I’m not in the right space to recreate it physically, and I’m pretty bad at writing choreo down, so those ideas are usually out the window. When I listen to music and envision a project in my head, I can usually storyboard it well. This is why I’ve been recently gravitating to create more film-based projects.
feel free to add anything else you may want to say about yourself & your art!
I love to collaborate and hear from other artists! It’s our job to feed each other, creatively. Don’t be afraid to reach out.
and that’s it folks! i hope you loved getting to know carmen just as much as i have… if you wanna see more, you can find her @carmenleardi everywhere :)